The Law Guru • law guru.com Get FREE public or private legal advice in minutes from our network of over 8,800 specialized attorneys in all legal areas – from Family Law and Bankruptcy to Criminal and Traffic Law. |
Department of Justice • canada.justice.gc.ca Provides counsel and legal services only to the government of Canada and to client departments and agencies. For more information about your rights, see Info Source below. |
Info Source • infosource.gc.ca/index-eng.asp A series of publications containing information about and/or collected by the Government of Canada. The primary purpose of Info Source is to assist individuals exercise their rights under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. |
BC Laws • bclaws.ca BC Laws provides free public access to the current laws of British Columbia. This unofficial current consolidation of BC Statutes and Regulations is updated continually as new and amended laws come into force. BC Laws is published by the Queen’s Printer for British Columbia in partnership with the Ministry of Attorney General and the Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. |
Ministry of Justice • isoforms.bc.ca The BC law about reciprocity is the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, which is called ‘ISO’ for short. Each of the reciprocating jurisdictions has very similar ISO laws. |
The Courts of British Columbia • courts.gov.bc.ca
Court of Appeal The Court of Appeal is the highest court in the province, hearing appeals and reviews from the two trial courts as well as appeals and reviews from administrative boards and tribunals. More . . . |
Supreme Court The Supreme Court is the superior trial court for the province and hears both civil and criminal cases, as well as some appeals from the Provincial Court. More . . . |
Provincial Court The Provincial Court is the first level of trial court in British Columbia and hears criminal, criminal youth, family, child protection, small claims, and traffic cases. More . . . |
The Government of British Columbia • gov.bc.ca Resources for British Columbia government News, B.C. Laws, Reports and Publications, B.C. Government Directory, Legislative Assembly, Ministries & Organizations, Other Levels of Government and Facts About B.C. |
Law Society of British Columbia • lawsociety.bc.ca The Law Society of British Columbia is the regulatory body for the BC legal profession. The primary responsibility of the Law Society under the provincial Legal Profession Act is to protect the public interest in the administration of justice. |
BC Government Directory • dir.gov.bc.ca Browse by Organization – Office of the Lieutenant-Governor, Legislative Assembly and Independent Offices, The Judiciary, The Executive Council, Office of the Premier and Cabinet Office, Ministries, Crown Corporations and Public Agencies. |
The Canadian Bar Association • cba.org/bc The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) is the leader and voice of Canada’s legal profession in a complex, changing world. The CBA is the determined advocate of the profession and champion of the rule of law, across Canada and around the world; enables members to prosper by connecting with peers and optimizing their potential – personally and professionally; and enhances the competitiveness of law firms, corporations and other organizations with relevant knowledge and innovative resources. |
BC Government Directory • dir.gov.bc.ca Browse by Organization – Office of the Lieutenant-Governor, Legislative Assembly and Independent Offices, The Judiciary, The Executive Council, Office of the Premier and Cabinet Office, Ministries, Crown Corporations and Public Agencies. |
DIY Legal Forms • diylegalforms.com Free Large Library of legal forms and contracts funded by voluntary donation. We still suggest you contact Ellis Business Lawyers for your free 15 minute telephone consultation with a lawyer at 604.688.7374 or click here. |